What are the dimensions of Fort Knox Sneaker Vault cases?
Low top case is: 6.7” tall x 14.7” wide x 10.3” deep
High top case is: 8.3” tall x 14.7” wide x 10.3” deep
What size shoes will fit a Fort Knox Sneaker Vault?
Most shoe styles up to a U.S. sz 15 will fit in a Fort Knox Sneaker Vault
Are the cases stackable?
Yes, the cases are made to stack on top of each other.
Can I order more than 100 cases?
Yes, if  you want to order more than 100 cases please contact us to let us know how many you want so that we can get you a shipping quote. Our email address is fortknoxsneakervault@gmail.com
How do you ship your cases?
We ship everything through USPS priority mail if the order is within the U.S. 
If you are ordering from outside of the U.S. please contact us and let us know how many units that you would like to purchase and we can get you a shipping quote.